Sunday, February 16, 2020

Marketing Communications Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Marketing Communications Plan - Essay Example Sony Corporation is the electronics business unit that is responsible for the production and marketing of its video games consoles including the Sony PlayStation. The history of the PlayStation began in 1988 when Sony and Nintendo worked together on a product called the Super Disc. However, Sony and Nintendo parted company and the Super Disc was never launched by Nintendo. In 1991, Sony modified the Super Disk as part of its development of the first Sony PlayStation. Sony launched the long awaited PlayStation 3 in the USA in 2006 just two days before the launch of the Wii from Nintendo. These two new consoles proved to be immensely popular and most retail shops sold out of both within days. Soon afterwards both of the consoles appeared for resale in large numbers on the auction website eBay. The asking prices for some of these resale consoles were up to five times the original retail price. Microsoft's Xbox 360 console had a one-year lead in the market and enjoyed buoyant sales as a result. Nintendo's Wii positioned itself away from its main two competitors through the deployment of its ground-breaking motion-sensing controller (Cheng J, Mark Freeman-Aloiau M, Xin Guo, Pullen A. 2007) In 2In 2009, the PlayStation 3, helped by a $100 price cut, has outsold Nintendo's Wii console for the first time. Sales of the PlayStation 3 more than doubled to 491,800, while those of the Wii fell 33% to 462,800 (Satariano, A. 2009). The PlayStation 3 is expected to give a further boost to Sony's earnings in time for Christmas this year when the latest version of the blockbuster role-playing game for the PlayStation, 'Final Fantasy', is launched in December (iStockAnalyst, 2009). 2.0 Marketing Strategy 2.1 Positioning Strategy Sony uses the newest and greatest technology to appeal to their customers. The people who are most interested in staying up-to-date with the newest technology are usually men of the ages 15-30. To reach that market, they make games that are attractive to men of those ages; these games tend to be the shooters and high action games such as Kill Zone and God of War. However, they do make games for younger children; these games have a more adventure based game play such as Jak and Daxter and Crash Bandicoot. Beyond gaming, Sony also hopes to reach movie buffs with their high-definition movie playback thanks to Blu-ray technology. Blu-ray offers the latest advancement in movie entertainment experience. The detail of these movies is so good that you can literally see individual pores on people's faces. As you might expect, this means detail on everything is very high and movie buffs love this. 2.2 Product Strategy The PS3 offers the most advanced visuals and audio of any other game console and most computers. Hardcore gamers want their games to be more visually pleasing, and that is exactly what Sony has given them. They have changed very little about control setup except they have added some motion sensitivity (after they saw Nintendo unveil this feature in the Wii); this means that people who have played PS1 and/or PS2 won't have to learn how to hold and use the controller all over again. Also, there are a lot of classic games available for download via the Playstation Network (for a

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Essentials Mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Essentials Mangement - Essay Example â€Å"Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks† (Johann Gottfried Von Herder, n.d) Motivation is accepted as the driving force behind every human action and organizational principles; whether it is traditional or new, also give much importance to motivation in a business setup. Human actions are primarily for certain goals and anything which helps them to achieve these goals will motivate them. Organizations are spending a substantial period of time in researching about the possible methods or strategies which can motivate the employees. Traditional methods like the rewards and punishments are not enough at present and the employees are thinking something beyond that because of the changing culture, social norms and life styles. The question of a generalised theory of motivation is on card for long time and many business experts are divided in their opinions about the above issue. This paper crit ically analyses the possibility of a generalised theory of motivation at work place. From the above diagram it is clear that achievement, recognition, nature of work and responsibility are the key motivating factors whereas how the business is run, supervision, work conditions and pay scale are the main areas which can demoralize or prevent the workers from achieving job satisfaction. An employee will be definitely motivated, if his achievements are recognized and complemented by the organization. For example, a worker who completes a project efficiently, economically and before the schedule should be complemented by some rewards which will boost his energy for improving his productivity further and further. On the other hand, if the organization fails to respond such outstanding piece of works will definitely prevent the employees from making a conscious effort